Recipe: Cantuccini con Granella di Mandorle e Pistacchi
December 10, 2021 Melina Köpsel
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Cantuccini with almonds and pistachios for the pre-Christmas season!
Cantuccini con Granella di Mandorle e Pistacchi
1 kg flour 00
200 g butter flakes
100 g lard
8 eggs
700 g granulated sugar
1 vanilla sugar
1 pack. Baking powder
200 g chopped almonds
200 g chopped pistachios
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of grated lemon peel
Beat the butter and lard with the sugar in the dough mixer. Add flour, lemon zest, eggs, salt, flavorings and chopped almonds and pistachios. Shape the dough and let it rest in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Form cylinders about 1 cm wide, sprinkle with granulated sugar and bake in the Fontana oven at 250° C for about 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cut the loaves diagonally with a large knife. Place the cookies in the pan and dry in the Fontana oven at 250° C for about 5 minutes.