October 31, 2022 Julia Haberecht
Baking bread in a wood-fired oven
Wood-fired bread: tips and recipe
You want to bake your own bread? The reasons vary: Allergies, the desire for self-sufficiency or the local baker has closed. Whatever the reason, we have a few tips for you. Yeast or sourdough The first question is whether you want to bake bread with yeast or sourdough. Breads with yeast can be baked quickly, breads with sourdough have long resting times, but are very digestible, develop a fine taste and stay fresh for a long time. Sourdough requires a little practice, but it is worth the effort. At first, you can also use sourdough products from the baking shelf.
Electric oven or wood-burning oven
What you want to bake in is up to you, but we strongly recommend baking in a wood-fired oven. That is why our tips also refer to baking in a wood-burning oven from our Valoriani or Fontana range. The result of bread baked in a wood-fired oven is usually tastier, fluffier and crispier. This is mainly due to the type of heat that prevails in an original wood-burning oven. The wood provides the heat, which is stored in the stone in the dome and in the floor of the wood-burning oven. Our ovens are professionally insulated and have high-quality fireclay plates that can store the heat for hours and give it off absolutely evenly. This is a great advantage for baking bread. In addition, several loaves of bread always fit into the wood-burning ovens, so you can bake well in stock.
Tips for baking bread in a wood-burning oven
1. in the case of a direct-fired wood-burning oven, you should always remove the embers and bake the bread in a closed oven with the heat falling.
2. guaranteed success for beginners: Bake bread in a roaster with a lid. The guarantee for juicy bread.
3. bake several loaves of bread or other baked goods such as cakes, rolls or similar directly.
Bread recipe "House bread" from Bernardi
Click here for the house bread recipe in our magazine.