Ratgeber AVPN-Pizzakurs, AVPN, Pizzakurs
We have had to postpone the AVPN pizza course planned for this week (26.10. - 30.10.20) to January. Then, from 25.01. to 29.01.2021, chefs and restaurateurs will bake the original Napoletan pizza with excellent pizzaiolo from Italy.
The course is aimed exclusively at professionals. During five days, theory and practice are optimally combined. Flour, water, yeast and salt must be optimally matched to produce the perfect dough for Napoletan pizza. We do this with Bernardi's professional dough kneaders. The product characteristics of each ingredient are highlighted in detail so that the transition from theory on the first day to practice is easy. We bake on several Valoriani and Izzo pizza ovens with gas and wood firing. The ovens are certified by the AVPN for the production of the original Neapolitan pizza. To preserve the world heritage is the mission of the AVPN. Recognized worldwide, the seal of the AVPN is a guarantee of perfect Napoletan pizza.
You can find all information about the professional course AVPN on our website.