Vegan Pizza: Tips for Dough, Sauce & Toppings
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Tips for vegan pizza

Wir lieben Pizza, am liebsten nach den klassischen italienischen Rezepten. Doch wir haben auch ein paar Tipps fΓΌr vegane Pizza zusammengetragen. Seht her!

Tips and Tricks for Vegan Pizza

We approach the topic in a structured manner, starting with the dough, then the sauce, and finally the toppings.
The classic original Italian dough is already vegan. For Neapolitan pizza, only four ingredients are allowed in the dough: flour, water, yeast, and salt. Other recipes may add olive oil or sugar. You can do as you wish. 
Now to the tomato sauce. Some use strained tomatoes, others tomato paste with water, while others use seasoned canned tomato chunks. The holy grail is, of course, San Marzano tomatoes. If you don't happen to have them in your garden, it's best to rely on whole canned San Marzano tomatoes (for example, from Mutti). The most important thing is not to process them with a blender, as the seeds get destroyed and the sauce turns bitter. Please handle tomatoes only by hand. For whole tomatoes, remove the stem and press them with your hand. The ideal pizza tomato sauce for me is a can of Polpa from Mutti (not San Marzano tomatoes, but very good tomato quality), which is tomato sauce with pulp in a can. Open it, pour it into a bowl, refine, done. Just a small personal tip. Which brings us to the ingredients for the tomato sauce. At this point, another small tip when buying canned tomatoes in our blog post with Youtube video. Opinions differ here as well. It's great if you put in the effort to make your own tomato sauce, fill it, and take it from the pantry when needed. For all who don't, here are a few other ideas.

Recipe for the Tomato Sauce:

  • 1-2 cans of tomatoes of your choice (San Marzano, Polpa, or others)
  • a good splash of olive oil
  • Several basil leaves (see also our blog post the Basil Trick)
The toppings are now up. Vegetables are, of course, a great option. Your imagination knows no bounds. From classic versions like Mediterranean varieties such as bell pepper, zucchini, eggplant, and tomato to winter vegetable pizza with cabbage, beetroot, or pumpkin, and even experimental variants. The most important thing is that the topping is tasty and juicy, as the cheese is missing.

Tips for the Toppings

  • The quick alternative is numerous vegan cheese preparations. Maybe you already have a favorite you can use. It doesn't always have to be mozzarella. Many other types of cheese give a great flavor to the pizza. Surely, you'll find a vegan alternative, too.
  • And for those who want to skip cheese entirely: marinate vegetables in olive oil before topping and season with herbs to taste.
  • Grilling vegetables before topping adds great flavor.
  • Also, pickled vegetables like sun-dried tomatoes, peppers, or olives and capers bring flavor to the pizza.
  • Try a few dollops of pesto on your toppings or flavored oils with chili or herbs that you drizzle over your toppings after baking.
Also, check out our blog post How to Add a Wow to Your Pizza . Here, you'll find inspiration for delicious toppings that come after baking.
Do you have any more tips that have already proven effective for you? Then share them here in the comments with us.