Special doughs #3: Pizza Napoletana
Special doughs #3: Pizza Napoletana

Today we have a world cultural heritage to try out: original Pizza Napoletana.

Pizza Napoletana

It was invented in Naples and has conquered the whole world. It is one of UNESCO's intangible world cultural heritages. This means that the original recipe and the way it is prepared are clearly defined. The Associazione Vera Pizza Napoletana (AVPN) is an organisation that monitors compliance with the recipe. The AVPN seal is a sign of quality. This is only awarded to the restaurateur who has been certified by the AVPN in a course lasting several days. 
Only very specific ingredients may be used for the Pizza Napoletana. And of course there is only one original recipe. Only San Marzzano tomatoes, or as their official title is: Pomodoro San Marzano dell'Agro Sarnese Nocerino DOP, are allowed on the Napoletana pizza. These are particularly sweet bottle tomatoes with firm flesh. The designation of origin guarantees their quality. Another tomato variety is approved: Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio. The mozzarella cheese must be a Fior die Latte, which is made from cow's milk in a defined production process. Or it can be a Mozzarella di Bufala Campana. This is a mozzarella made from the milk of semi-wild water buffalo from the Campania and Lazio region. The dough also follows a strict recipe.

Recipe for Pizza Napoletana:

  • 1l water (cold)
  • 50g salt
  • 3g yeast
  • 1.6 - 1.8kg flour type 00
Knead everything in a bowl or put it in the dough machine. We recommend dough kneaders from the Italian manufacturer Bernardi. They are of excellent quality, quiet, powerful and shapely. The temperature of the dough must not be higher than 24 degrees. Bernardi machines do not give off any heat to the dough, as the patented kneading technology means that there is no friction. Then leave the dough to rest for 2 hours at room temperature up to 25 degrees. 
Then form balls of dough and let them rest for another 4-6 hours at room temperature of 24-25 degrees. The Neapolitan pizza should be prepared on the same day. You can find lots of useful tips on basil, tomatoes, etc. on our YouTube channel