Recipe: Porchetta
March 17, 2022 Melina Köpsel
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8 kg boneless pork loin
70 g fennel
2 sprigs rosemary
5 sage leaves
3 garlic cloves
Pinch of orange zest as needed
Pinch of salt
Pinch of pepper
Wash the pork and scrape it with a knife. Finely chop garlic, fennel, sage, rosemary needles, orange zest, salt, and pepper, and mix very carefully. Season the inside of the pork with the freshly made paste and massage it in well. Tie it with a string so that it cannot open during cooking. Cook in the Fontana oven at 280-300°C for about 3 hours and monitor the cooking process. At the end, remove the porchetta and raise the Fontana oven to 350°C, cook the porchetta again for 5-10 minutes to achieve the classic crispy skin. Place the porchetta on a wooden board and serve while it is still hot.