Recipe: Cantuccini with Almond and Pistachio Crumbles
December 10, 2021 Melina KΓΆpsel
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Cantuccini with Almond and Pistachio Granules
1 kg all-purpose flour
200 g butter flakes
100 g lard
8 eggs
700 g granulated sugar
1 vanilla sugar
1 pack baking powder
200 g chopped almonds
200 g chopped pistachios
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of grated lemon peel
Beat butter and lard with sugar in a dough mixer. Add flour, lemon peel, eggs, salt, flavorings, chopped almonds, and pistachios. Shape the dough and let it rest in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Form cylinders about 1 cm wide, sprinkle with granulated sugar, and bake in the Fontana oven at 250Β° C for about 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and slice the loaves diagonally with a large knife. Place the cookies in the pan and let them dry in the Fontana oven at 250Β° C for about 5 minutes.